How to videos
& free breathes
So what's Conscious Connected Breath all about and how's it done? Watch here for a few simple explanations and enjoy two free guided audios to try it yourself
To get you started on your Conscious Connected Breath journey, you have access to these 2 free guided audios - a 15 minute session for energy and a 30 minute session for clarity and creativity. Before you do that, check out the video explanations below - particularly 'Setting up for your session' and 'Sound and Movement'. If you enjoy these and feel this is for you, you can keep using the free audios as much as you like. Or, to begin seeing real benefit, why not sign up to the Online Breath Studio, or book a 1-1 session.
All Videos
Setting up for your session
Setting up for your session
The 5 Components
Sound & Movement
Why learning to breathe better is a great idea
What is Conscious Connected Breath?
How Conscious Connected Breath works - the science and the quantum physics
What to expect from a Conscious Connected Breath session
Virtual breath session pre-prep
Covid-19 and Conscious Connected Breath
Conscious Connected Breath and the Diaphragm
Short guided Mindfulness Breath Meditation
Take a few minutes out of your day to relax, reset and refresh with this free guided mindfulness meditation.