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This 15 mins Breath For Anxiety audio session is best listened to with headphones if you have them (but no worries if you don't).  The accompanying music has been chosen for its frequency. The frequency here is Alpha.  Alpha waves are great for relaxation, meditation, tranquility, calm and positive thoughts, and mental visualisation. A brain experiencing Alpha waves is a “relaxed” brain.  They help to dispel any negative mood and help with depression. They can also help to relieve pain, whether occasional or chronic. Alpha waves can also increase serotonin levels for some people. Serotonin is a natural antidepressant that soothes your body and mind, and can trigger a general feeling of well-being. Listening to Alpha waves makes it easier to meditate, or in this instance, your breathwork practice. The state of “lucid relaxation” these waves create help you to feel calm and provide you with the serenity you need to clear your mind.

Breathwork for Anxiety 15 mins audio guide

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