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Relearn to breathe.
Reclaim the most neglected, yet powerful tool your body has.
It's waiting for you.
We are born the perfect breathers. But as we go through life, emotional upsets cause us to hold our breath and we develop poor breathing patterns. Wonderbreath is a circular, connected breathing method that will help you increase energy, ease respiratory conditions, release emotional blocks, transform your state of mind, boost immunity, alleviate stress and anxiety, build resilience, heal trauma, improve sleep and increase your capacity for awe and wonder.

I'm Justine. I discovered the beauty and power of Breathwork many years ago on the volcanic island of Lanzarote. The experience changed me deeply and profoundly and years of practising later, I realised that I wanted to help people discover this powerful tool for themselves. I help people alleviate stress and anxiety, increase their energy levels, explore a deeper connection with themselves, sleep better, boost their immune systems and much, much more.

you are here
Something has brought you here. It may be curiosity, it may be for health reasons, or perhaps you feel dissatisfied with life. Whatever the reason, you’re here because something in you wants to change. Re-learning the forgotten art of breathing is suitable for almost everyone. Whether you're 9 (parent assisted) or 90, a frazzled mum or dad; a burnt out corporate professional or an anxious teenager. Whether it's for a specific problem or for general wellbeing. You won't need any lycra, just a safe comfortable space in your home for a virtual session, or the ability to get to me for an in-person session. Come to me to re-discover your breath and uncover who and what you are and what you’re truly capable of. You could call it your birthright.
i am here
I’ve extolled the virtues of the breath for almost twenty years now. It began when I started practicing Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga. There’s always been a deep belief in me that learning how to breathe better and practising this as much as possible is really good for us. I firmly believe that most of us have become disconnected to our bodies and let our minds run the show. Breathing better and practising breathwork in the same way you might do with meditation or the gym, helps us redress this balance and gets us back into a healthier relationship with our bodies.
Phone: (44) 7714 333418
Working in: London/Surrey/West Sussex
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